Understanding the Struggle of Waiting
What's going on? You've had dreams and visions of what you believe are promises from God. Words have been prophesied over you by people you know hear from Him. You have a deep desire to be married, have children, have a successful and fruitful business, and even to be doing something that is impacting the masses.
You have been doing everything you know how to do to make it happen for months, years, and even decades. Yet here you are, waiting and waiting and waiting, thinking, what have you done wrong? You see others around you having their promises come true, but not you. You go to church, say your prayers and read the Bible, doing all the things you know are right to do, and still nothing.
You have faith, and yet you are having doubts that God is going to come through on the promises He has made to you. Is it finally time to give up the hope you have had for so long?
Finding Hope in God's Timing
I just described how I have been feeling recently, working so hard on things I know God has assigned me to do and promised would yield a great harvest, yet not seeing any fruit from the work I have been doing.
Am I alone in this, or are many of you feeling many of the same frustrations too? How do we find hope in God's timing when promises seem to be taking forever to fulfill? When we find ourselves in this place of having prayed fervently for something, holding on to a promise whispered by God, yet years seem to pass without a sign, discouragement can settle in, a heavy weight threatening to extinguish the flame of our faith.
Sister, you are not alone.
Throughout the tapestry of Scripture, we find echoes of those who waited, sometimes decades, for God's promises to unfold. This isn't to say God forgets His children. It is to remind us that God's timing is not always our timing. His timing is best, as He is the only one that knows all and is always working things out for your good. Now may be the perfect time for us to remember who this God is that we have been talking about.
Understanding God's Attributes
By looking into three of His many attributes, we can find comfort and reassurance.
1. God is Omniscient
God knows all and has perfect knowledge of everything that is past, present, and future. Bible references that describe how God is omniscient include Job 37:14, Psalm 139:1-6, 1 Samuel 2:3, and 1 Chronicles 28:9.
2. God is Immutable
God is always the same in His nature, His character, and His will. He never changes and can never be made to change. This characteristic of God is shared in Psalm 102:25-27, Malachi 3:6, and Hebrews 1:8-9.
3. God is Righteous
God is good. It is essential to His character. He always does the right thing. Since He is God, whatever He does is right. He is the absolute. His actions are consistent with His character, which is love. Bible references showing God is righteous include Psalm 89:14, 119:137, 142, 145:17, and Hosea 14:9.
Understanding who God is is important to understand why His timing is always the best. Because He knows all, He knows when the right time is for your promises to come to fruition. His timing will be best for you and for the others He is going to use you to impact. Knowing God is always the same and doesn't change can give you confidence that when He makes promises, He never takes them back. Our God is a God of yes and amen, not a God of maybe or nah, not anymore.
Then, knowing God is always good, you can fortify your faith that He will come through on the promises He has made. Have faith, my sister. This is good news. God is faithful, and His promises, though sometimes delivered on a timetable completely different than our own, always come to pass. The Bible overflows with stories of His faithfulness, reminding us that even when the path seems unclear, His promises hold true. Let's explore the lives of some remarkable people who, despite the wait, witnessed God's magnificent timing.
Examples from Scripture
Abraham and Sarah
Abraham is the father of faith. He is a prime example of determined belief. God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5). Yet years stretched into decades, marked by his wife Sarah remaining childless. Doubt must have gnawed at Abraham. But the verse continues in Genesis 15:6, saying, "And Abraham believed the Lord, and it was counted to him as righteousness." Abraham clung to the promises even when logic dictated otherwise. Finally, at the age of 100, God fulfilled His word (Genesis 17:17). The lesson here is God's timing is perfect, even when it stretches our patience.
Sarah, Abraham's wife, was barren for most of her life. The promise of a child seemed out of her reach, yet it was her greatest desire. Her laughter in Genesis 18:11, when she was told she would conceive, reflects both disbelief and a flicker of hope. Even then, the wait continued until Isaac's miraculous birth (Genesis 21). Sarah's story reminds us that God's promises can come in unexpected ways, often exceeding our limited understanding. The laughter that initially stemmed from doubt turned into a joyous celebration of God's faithfulness.
Hannah, longing for a child, poured out her heart to God (1 Samuel 1:10). The answer seemed elusive, yet she persisted in prayer. Eventually, God blessed her with Samuel, who became a prominent prophet. Remember, God's timing isn't always ours. He works like a gardener, nurturing the seeds we plant in prayer, ensuring they blossom in His perfect season. The lesson in these stories is God's promises are not bound by our age or circumstances.
Joseph's story, found in Genesis 37-50, is one of betrayal, resilience, and ultimately triumph. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers, then falsely accused and imprisoned. It seemed his dreams of greatness would never come true. Yet, through it all, Joseph held on to his faith. Years later, during a famine, his skills and integrity propelled him to the position of viceroy of Egypt, saving his family and countless others. The lesson in his story is God uses even the darkest times to prepare us for our destiny.
David the shepherd king's story can be found in 1 Samuel 16-31. David was anointed king as a young boy. His path to the throne was long and arduous. He faced persecution from King Saul, exile to the wilderness, and even betrayal by close friends. Yet, David never wavered in his trust of God. Finally, after the years of hardship, David became king, ushering in a golden age for all of Israel. During this extended waiting period, David's faith was tested. He wrestled with doubt, fear, and even anger. Yet, through it all, he clung to God's promises, pouring his emotions into beautiful psalms that now can fortify us and give us hope in our waiting. The lesson of David's story is the road to our God-given purpose may be challenging, but with faith we will reach our destination.
How to Find Hope During Your Season of Waiting
These stories offer a glimpse into God's faithfulness, even when the wait feels agonizingly long. Here's how to find hope during your own season of waiting:
Refocus on God's Character: God is good, loving, and faithful (Psalm 86:5). Remind yourself of His past faithfulness in your life and in the stories in Scripture.
Focus on the Journey, Not the Destination: The process of waiting builds trust and strengthens your relationship with God.
Seek Encouragement: Surround yourself with a faith-filled community who can offer support and prayer during challenging times.
Trust God's Timing: While we may crave immediate answers, God's timing is perfect. He uses the waiting period to refine us and prepare us for the blessings to come.
Continue to Walk in Faith: Don't let discouragement paralyze you. Stay focused by keeping your eyes on Him. Walk in faith, knowing that God is working behind the scenes, even when you can't see it.
Practice Gratitude: Give thanks for God's blessings, both big and small. A grateful heart fosters a spirit of hope. The wait doesn't diminish the value of the promise.
Hold on to hope, dear sister. God's promises are like seeds. They may take time to germinate and grow, but with faith and perseverance, they will blossom into something beautiful in His perfect timing. God is shaping you, preparing you for the fulfillment of His promises in a way that will bring Him immense glory and you overflowing joy. Remember, God is faithful, His promises stand firm, and His love for you is unwavering.
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Don't forget to grab the list of God's attributes and the list of verses used in this message.
You can find them by clicking here https://brokenttobelonging.ck.page/a4f16e3d02.
God bless.
- Marci